
Mrs. Young’s Lesson Plans for May 4- 8, 2020

Room J ‘s PET ZOOM… Date: Tues. May 12 at 5:00pm

COME introduce your PET at this fun ZOOM! Details, also, POSTED on DoJo.

Mrs. Young’s individual student ZOOM meetings will continue at your regular weekly time through May 29th. PLEASE have your device ready. ABOUT 5 minutes before your s

scheduled meeting… I will send you a TEXT with the Meeting ID # and it’s password

tojoin. HAVE A PENCIL AND PAPER to take notes. Also, be prepared to read me the

writing you did for the previous week. Make sure you are submitting those ‘writes’ or workbook ‘pages’, too. It was so GREAT to see your faces and even some of your family members, too. Parents are most welcome at these ZOOMS, too.

You will be expected to complete these lessons and assignments

*** VIDEOS are the classroom instruction. Watch, pause, ponder!!!

English Language Arts: FIND the learning video/lessons in GOOGLE CLASSROOM!!!

*BEING A WRITER (Video lessons and Writing Assignments)

*MAKING MEANING (Video lessons and Comprehension test by Sunday)

*20 Minutes of Daily Reading (Reading Log due by Sunday)

*Freckle Articles (alternate fiction/non-fiction. Pass score of 75% Can be daily reading).

Math: Find the videos/lessons in GOOGLE CLASSROOM!

*Math - Think Central watch Video Lessons~ TURN in HOMEWORK./REMEMBERing

pages. NO NEED to RETURN the CLASS ACTIVITY pages as they are forming the

concepts. IF YOU are assigned a QUIZ or TEST… submit via a photo of it or Think

Central completion. *Math FRECKLE Facts need to happen EACH DAY. 20 mins.

Most of you are successfully into GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Please call Mrs. Young if having connection challenges. See helpful links on our Classroom Dojo. You can access Google Classroom through any device. If you have an iPad or a smart phone, you can download the app. If using a Chrome book or laptop, then, you need to click on the link below. Once your child clicks on the link below or downloads the app, please follow instructions on the Dojo helpful video. ONCE you have JOINED our classroom, you can easily access this from the DISTRICT HOME PAGE where you access


Respectfully ...THANK YOUR PARENTS, daily!!! Mrs. Gigi Young