
First grade Learning for...

Tuesday May 26th-May 29th

Please watch for an invitation to a class Zoom meeting for the last week of school!

Ms.Pyle-Check your Remind app.

Mrs.Crawford-Check Class Dojo

Please go over this list. These are the expected skills your child should have mastered in order to be prepared for 2nd grade.

1st Grade ELA Reading Standards of Literature

    • I can ask and answer questions about things that happen in a story. RL.1.1
    • I can retell stories. I can tell you about the lesson in the story. RL 1.2
    • I can tell you about people,places and important things that happen in the story RL 1.3
    • I can find words and phrases that help me to understand how the characters are feeling. I can find words and phrases that make me think of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste RL1.4
    • I can tell you the difference between book that tell stories and books that give information. RL. 1.5
    • I can tell you who is telling the story in different parts of the text. RL 1.6
    • I can use the pictures and details in a story to describe people, places and things that happen in a story. RL 1.7
    • I can read RL 1.10

1st Grade ELA Reading Standards for informational text

    • I can ask and answer questions about things I learn while reading RI 1.1
    • I can figure out the topic of a book and tell things that I learned about the topic RI 1.2
    • I can tell you about things that two people, places , or pieces of information have in common RI 1.3
    • I can ask and answer questions about words I do not know RI 1.4
    • I can find and use all of these things in the text: descriptions, problems, and solution, compare and contrast, cause and effect and sequence. RI 1.5
    • I can tell you if I learned something new from a picture in the text or from the words in the test. RI 1.6
    • I can use the pictures in the reading to tell you about what I learned RI 1.7
    • I can find the reason that an author gives to prove his point RI 1.8
    • I can find things that are the same and different when I am exploring two text about the same topic RI 1.9

Reading Foundation skills

    • I can explain how printed words are organized
    • I can find the first word,capitalization and end mark in a sentence
    • I can show that I understand words syllables , sounds when they are said aloud
    • I can tell you if a word has a short vowel or a long vowel
    • I can put sounds together to make words
    • I can make the different sounds in a word
    • I can listen to vowel sounds for clue on how many syllables are in a word
    • I can break two syllable into two separate syllables
    • I can read words with ends (s, ed, ing)


    • I can write about my opinion . I can include reasons and a closing sentence.
    • I can write about information with fact and a closing sentence
    • I can explain something happened in my writing ( first , then , next)
    • I can answer questions about my writing and get help from others
    • I can spell, capitalize and use correct punctuation marks
    • I can capitalize dates and names


    • I can solve different types of addition and subtraction problems within 100
    • I can tell you what the equal signs means
    • I can find the missing number in an equation
    • I can count and write numbers 1-120
    • I can show what each digit in a two digit number means
    • I can count by 10’s
    • I can compare numbers( larger, smaller)
    • I can put object in order by size
    • I can tell and write time in hours and half hours
    • I can explain what shapes need
    • I can put two shapes together to make a new shape

Mark Twain Learning Hub

Please turn in the following: Please evaluate your child’s skills and turn in checklist.

To Turn In( these can be turn in during the drop off time Tuesday 11-12 or directly to our email (Ms. Pyle) or ( Mrs. Crawford)