Ms Turner - English/Language Arts

Miss Turner’s Distance Learning Assignments April 27- May 1

Zoom Conferences this week will be later in the week (NOT on Tuesday). Friday instead is the goal to give students enough time to read all 7 Newsela Articles and answer the quizzes. It would be helpful for students to read the articles before holding the conferences so we can have a class discussion about Homelessness in America and possible solutions for the problem. We will also review the steps and instructions for writing an Expository Essay.


Literature: Newsela Nonfiction Reading on the Homeless

Read the 7 Articles and answer the quiz for each one

    1. How Utah Reduced Homelessness by 90%
    2. Pitched Roofs: LA Orders Removal of Tiny Houses
    3. Homeless Population Rises 12% Since 2013 in LA
    4. When Cold Winds Blow Americans Give Shelter
    5. Helping the Homeless by Building Houses with 3D Printer
    6. Homeless is Huge Problem in Hawaii but Help is on the Way
    7. One in 30 Children are Homeless

English: Write an Expository Essay about Homelessness and its Solutions

Google Classroom English # 29. Write 5-6 paragraphs about Homelessness and ways to solve the problem