Mrs. Mueller

Learning at Home

Fifth Grade math agenda for April 14 – 17

Finishing Unit 6 with final quiz and unit TEST

Video Think Central lessons will be available each day on the story section of ClassDojo. Please sign on to ClassDojo and watch the daily video – even if there is no lesson!) and then complete the Think Central assignment that same day. You can access the paper version of the work in your Fifth Grade MATH file of google classroom. (new class code is hjjhkuh) (The Real Test is not available in the google classroom file)

· Tuesday Unit 6 Quiz 3

· Wednesday Unit 6 practice Test part 1

· Thursday Unit 6 practice Test part 2

· Friday Unit 6 TEST –completed independently

Throughout the week you need to be working on Adaptive Math with your focus on Operations and Algebraic Thinking and or Geometry. Be sure to spend at least 60 minutes per week on Adaptive Math. That equates to 15 minutes each day (Tuesday – Friday).

By Thursday, please complete That Quiz timed math facts test

Code for Miller Homeroom is: M5F WAT UZ

Code for Smith homeroom is: 9EY 6PT QE