Mrs. Martinez

3rd Grade Distance Learning Instructions for the week of March 30th



Log into Cleaver to check for Freckle and Think Central Math assignments.

Username: student ID number example: 60000****

Password: student birthdate example: 03252010

*Hard copies of assigned math and math practice are available in the

school drive-through.

Dear families,

Please remember, your child has learned all of the multiplication facts using 0-11. Please continue to provide home practice to ensure fluency (speed) with these facts. You can use verbal drills, make flashcards, make worksheets, or use our school website for Freckle, That Quiz, or MathFact Cafe.

In addition, your child should be able to use his/her knowledge of the multiplication facts to compute basic division facts. Practice makes perfect.

Continue to work on telling time to the minute. Practice a quarter after, a quarter till, and half past the hour. How many minutes after the hour and how many minutes until the next hour can also be practiced. Lastly, we are working on elapsed time. Below are two examples of elapsed time word problems. One of the story problems requires your child to count forward on the clock. The second requires counting backwards. You can invent your own problems requiring these skills.

Best Wishes,

3rd grade teachers

Word Problems

    1. Aunt Mary put a roast in the oven at 4:20 p.m. It needs to cook for 1 hour and 30 minutes. What time will she take it out of the oven?
    2. Jim finished his hike at 2:25 p.m. He hiked for 45 minutes. What time did he start his hike?

English Language Arts:

Log into Cleaver to check Freckle ELA for assigned articles. You should be completing at least one assigned article with a score of 80% daily.

*Hard copies of assigned articles are available in the school drive-through


What is a synonym?

Synonyms are words that mean the same thing. Some examples of synonyms are listed below.

throw------toss small----tiny leap---jump

slow---sluggish huge---enormous hard---difficult

A special book called a thesaurus is used to find synonyms. People use synonyms to make their writing more exciting. You can use synonyms in your writing if you do not want to keep repeating the same words in a piece of writing you are producing.


    1. Find out if your family has a thesaurus or use this link, to explore how the thesaurus is set up.
    2. Even if you do not have a thesaurus, can you make a list of at least three synonyms for the words below? Take a picture and share with your teacher, create a google doc and share with your teacher Mrs. Cunha or Mrs. Martinez

quick noisy nice

tired shout witty


Dear parents and students,

Please remember that the best way to learn new spelling words is through the use of multimodalities (hearing, seeing, feeling). For this reason, as you study your spelling words this week, say them, hear them, see them, and feel them. Read ;your spelling words to an adult. Put them on flashcards made out of scrap paper. Read through them in scrambled order. Write them on paper, a chalkboard, or whiteboard. Use your spelling words in sentences you wrote. Have an adult edit your work so that correct spelling and punctuation is used throughout your sentences. Find your spelling words in literature (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.). Have your parent give you pop quizzes throughout the week. These quizzes can be verbal, or in written form. When you feel ready, have your parent give you a more formal spelling test.

These words can be used with the Scholastic News March 16 issue “A Place to Call Home.”