Mr. Miller

Monday 3/30:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article: Extinction and the Fossil Record(20 min)

Vocabulary Words to Study: (10 min)

1. Harbor: protect or shelter.

2. Picturesque: beautiful or pleasant to look at.

3. Peculiar: strange or odd.

4. Conspicuous: obvious or noticeable, stands out and can be seen easily.

5. Suit: right for you or meets your needs.

6. Spectacle: unusual or remarkable

Writing (30 min): Complete the following prompt by Friday 4/3

Choose a book that has been made into a movie. Which version is better? Why?


Think Central 6-8, Unit 6 Quiz 2 after completing 6-8. Freckle Targeted Practice: Parentheses, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies: (30 min) Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): What Makes a Plant Week 2 activity sheet

PE: ( 20 min) Workout List:

Complete each workout at least once. If you are able to, try to do a second or third set!

25 Sit-Ups

25 Push-Ups

1 Minute of Jumping Jacks

20 Reverse Crunches

50 Squats

20 Scissor Kicks

1 Minutes in a plank

40 Calf Raises

20 Lunges

Tuesday: 3/31

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min) Decomposers

Continue studying Vocab Words (10 min)

Writing (30 min): continue working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): Think Central 6-9. Freckle Targeted Practice: Multiplying Mixed Fractions, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min): Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): What Makes a Plant? Activity sheet week 3

PE (20 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises.

Wednesday 4/1:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min) The Television

Continue studying Vocab Words (10 min)

Writing (30 min): continue working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): Think Central 6-10. Freckle Targeted Practice: Comparing Decimals, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min):Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): Continue working on Sun and Moon Tracking

PE (20 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises.

Thursday 4/2:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min): Walt Disney

Continue studying Vocab Words (10 min)

Writing (30 min): continue working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): Think Central 6-11, Unit 6 Quiz 3 after completing 6-11. Freckle Targeted Practice: Fractions as division, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min): Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): Continue working on Sun and Moon Tracking

PE (20 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises.

Friday 4/3:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min): Wheelchairs

Vocabulary Quiz (15-20 min)

Writing (30 min): Finish working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): That Quiz: Miller HR--K529HXSA Smith HR--4ZWV36RH Freckle: Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min): Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): Continue working on Sun and Moon Tracking

PE (30 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises

Vocabulary Quiz


harbor picturesque peculiar conspicuous suit spectacle

    1. ____________________: beautiful or pleasant to look at.
    2. ____________________: right for you or meets your needs.
    3. ____________________: protect or shelter.
    4. ____________________: obvious or noticeable, stands out and can be seen easily.
    5. ____________________: unusual or remarkable sight.
    6. ____________________: strange or odd.

Rubric for writing assignments:

Purpose and Focus

Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *an opinion that is clear and supported through the whole piece.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *an opinion that is clear. It might have a few loosely connected ideas.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *an opinion that is not focused or unclear.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *an opinion that drifts, it may be very short and unfocused.


Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *a great introduction and conclusion. *super transitions. *ideas that flow logically & smoothly.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *a good introduction and conclusion. *transitions. *ideas that flow logically.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *a weak introduction or conclusion. *few transitions. *Ideas that do not flow logically.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *a missing introduction or conclusion. *few transitions. *ideas that do not fit in.

Evidence and Details

Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *complete and convincing support for the opinion. *great use of sources, facts and details.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *good support for the opinion. *good use of sources, facts and details.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *some support of the opinion. *weak use of sources, facts and details.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *very little support of the opinion. *little or no use of sources, facts or details.

Sentence Structure

Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *strong sentences that clearly express ideas. *carefully chosen vocabulary.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *good sentences that clearly express ideas. *well chosen vocabulary.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *short sentences that may not clearly express ideas. *vocabulary that may not fit.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *short sentences that are confusing. *limited vocabulary.


Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *complete and varied sentences. *very few mistakes in punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *complete sentences. *only a few mistakes in punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *incomplete sentences. *many mistakes in punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *so many errors that the meaning may be lost.