Mr. Gehres

Mr. Gehres 6th Grade.

Distance Learning Weeks of May 11-13 and May 18-22


Group A

o Complete Worksheet for Ch. 9 Lesson 1 Skills Practice

o Complete review problem set Countdown: 20 Weeks.

o Assignments in Freckle and Khan Academy.

Group B

o Chapter 9 Assessment

o Complete Countdown: 20 Weeks

o Focus on Khan Academy and Freckle


    1. Chapter 11 Section 4 Biodiversity
      1. The notes will be attached in Google Classroom
      2. Answer Questions for Section 4
    2. Choose an animal or plant that is on the endangered species list and write a paragraph on why the animal is endangered.
      1. Focus on the ecology of the animal and the specific reason or reasons the plant or animal is labeled endangered.
      2. The paragraph should be 7-10 sentences long.
      3. The paragraph should be double spaced
      4. You are to have two sources of information