Mr. Gehres

Lesson Plans - Week April 20 - 24

Mr. Gehres 6th Grade


    1. In textbook complete Ch. 7 Lesson 4 and 5
      1. Complete handouts for lesson 5 working with division using equalities.
      2. Go into Khan Academy and work on the assignments
      3. Go into Freckle and work on the Adaptive Math Practice


    1. Continue working on the Wolf Position Paper. This is due by April 24.
      1. In the school office there is a box labeled 6th grade Science and Math. In the folders are sets of handouts explaining how to do the paper. Also there is an assessment for Science Ecology.
    2. Chapter 11 Section 1 Biomes.
      1. Read the handouts and answer the questions
      2. Using a blank sheet of paper, make a food web and energy pyramid using the animals and plants that you observe around your house.