
Monday 3/30:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article: Extinction and the Fossil Record(20 min)

Vocabulary Words to Study: (10 min)

1. Harbor: protect or shelter.

2. Picturesque: beautiful or pleasant to look at.

3. Peculiar: strange or odd.

4. Conspicuous: obvious or noticeable, stands out and can be seen easily.

5. Suit: right for you or meets your needs.

6. Spectacle: unusual or remarkable

Writing (30 min): Complete the following prompt by Friday 4/3

Choose a book that has been made into a movie. Which version is better? Why?

Math (45 min): Copper do: Unit 7 Lesson 6, 2 adaptive and 2 fact practices on Freckle

MT do: Think Central 6-8, Unit 6 Quiz 2 after completing 6-8. Freckle Targeted Practice: Parentheses, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies: (30 min) Copper do: Week 26 of Studies Weekly questions that need to be answered based on the articles for the week. (available on the studies weekly website, each student’s username and password were sent out via email.)

    1. Why was the Pennsylvania State Constitution considered to be radical or extreme?
    2. Why was it important for each state to have its own constitution
    3. Why was South Carolina’s constitution unusual?
    4. Give an example of how the president checks or balances the legislature.
    5. The Magna Carta has been the inspiration for many countries over the years. Why was it interesting or unusual for the American founders to use it?

MT do: Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): What Makes a Plant Week 2 activity sheet

PE: ( 20 min) On Google Classroom there are three different workout videos students can do as well as a workout list that can be done.

Workout List:

Complete each workout at least once. If you are able to, try to do a second or third set!

25 Sit-Ups

25 Push-Ups

1 Minute of Jumping Jacks

20 Reverse Crunches

50 Squats

20 Scissor Kicks

1 Minutes in a plank

40 Calf Raises

20 Lunges

Tuesday: 3/31

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min) Decomposers

Continue studying Vocab Words (10 min)

Writing (30 min): continue working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): Copper do: Unit 7 Review, 2 adaptive and 2 fact practices on Freckle

MT do: Think Central 6-9. Freckle Targeted Practice: Multiplying Mixed Fractions, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min): Copper do: continue working through week 26 articles and questions.

MT do: Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): What Makes a Plant? Activity sheet week 3

PE (20 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises.

Wednesday 4/1:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min) The Television

Continue studying Vocab Words (10 min)

Writing (30 min): continue working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): Copper do: Unit 7 Review, 2 adaptive and 2 fact practices on Freckle

MT do: Think Central 6-10. Freckle Targeted Practice: Comparing Decimals, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min): Copper do: continue working through week 26 articles and questions.

MT do: Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): Continue working on Sun and Moon Tracking

PE (20 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises.

Thursday 4/2:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min): Walt Disney

Continue studying Vocab Words (10 min)

Writing (30 min): continue working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): Copper do: Unit 7 Test, 2 adaptive and 2 fact practices on Freckle

MT do: Think Central 6-11, Unit 6 Quiz 3 after completing 6-11. Freckle Targeted Practice: Fractions as division, Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min): Copper do: continue working through week 26 articles and questions.

MT do: Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): Continue working on Sun and Moon Tracking

PE (20 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises.

Friday 4/3:

Reading: 30-45 Minutes

Freckle Article (20 min): Wheelchairs

Vocabulary Quiz (15-20 min)

Writing (30 min): Finish working on essay for writing prompt.

Math (45 min): Copper do: Finish Unit 7 Test, 2 adaptive and 2 fact practices on Freckle

MT do: That Quiz: Miller HR--K529HXSA Smith HR--4ZWV36RH Freckle: Fact Practice, Work on Adaptive Math Pathway-Base 10 at your level.

Social Studies (30 min): Copper do: Finish week 26 articles and questions.

MT do: Southern Colonies summaries and Chapter Review questions

Science (30 min): Continue working on Sun and Moon Tracking

PE (30 min): pick one video to do or continue through the given exercises

Vocabulary Quiz


harbor picturesque peculiar conspicuous suit spectacle

    1. ____________________: beautiful or pleasant to look at.
    2. ____________________: right for you or meets your needs.
    3. ____________________: protect or shelter.
    4. ____________________: obvious or noticeable, stands out and can be seen easily.
    5. ____________________: unusual or remarkable sight.
    6. ____________________: strange or odd.

Rubric for writing assignments:

Purpose and Focus

Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *an opinion that is clear and supported through the whole piece.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *an opinion that is clear. It might have a few loosely connected ideas.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *an opinion that is not focused or unclear.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *an opinion that drifts, it may be very short and unfocused.


Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *a great introduction and conclusion. *super transitions. *ideas that flow logically & smoothly.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *a good introduction and conclusion. *transitions. *ideas that flow logically.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *a weak introduction or conclusion. *few transitions. *Ideas that do not flow logically.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *a missing introduction or conclusion. *few transitions. *ideas that do not fit in.

Evidence and Details

Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *complete and convincing support for the opinion. *great use of sources, facts and details.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *good support for the opinion. *good use of sources, facts and details.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *some support of the opinion. *weak use of sources, facts and details.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *very little support of the opinion. *little or no use of sources, facts or details.

Sentence Structure

Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *strong sentences that clearly express ideas. *carefully chosen vocabulary.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *good sentences that clearly express ideas. *well chosen vocabulary.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *short sentences that may not clearly express ideas. *vocabulary that may not fit.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *short sentences that are confusing. *limited vocabulary.


Exceeds Standard

4 pts The writing has: *complete and varied sentences. *very few mistakes in punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

At Standard

3 pts The writing has: *complete sentences. *only a few mistakes in punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

Approaching Standard

2 pts The writing has: *incomplete sentences. *many mistakes in punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

Below Standard

1 pt The writing has: *so many errors that the meaning may be lost.