
Grade 4


Writing: All writing assignments must be turned in on Google Docs.

Go to our home page

Then click on the icon to the right with a pencil.

Login using your and password (students know these by heart)

Click on NEW

Click on Google Doc

Share your Document with your teacher once you are finished.







Go to our home page

Click on CLEVER sign in using student id# from Infinite Campus and birthday- MMDDYYYY

Then click on Freckle

Studies Weekly

Login and passwords are different. Contact your child’s teacher if your child forgot theirs.

Think Central (math) COPPER ONLY. For MT see math instructions on Google Classroom

Click on CLEVER

Click on Think Central

Think central login- username is your student ID number password is date of birth MMDDYYYY

Lesson Plans for March 23-27

Math-Think Central

Daily-10 minutes of Freckle Math

    • Mon. 8-6
    • Tues. Take Quick Quiz and complete 8-7
    • Wed. 8-8
    • Thurs.8-9
    • Fri.8-10


Daily Writing Assignment . Write in Google docs then share it with your teacher.

Include an intro sentence and a topic sentence. Remember your intro sentence is usually a question you are asking your audience about your topic.

Topic sentence tells us the main idea of what you are focusing on in your writing.

Don’t forget your conclusion needs to include your topic sentence.

    • Mon. Opinion Paragraph

5-7 sentences

Should we save endangered animals?

Use at least 2 synonyms for the word “help” in your paragraph. (Underline your synonyms)

    • Tues. Writing time

Write for 20 minutes about a topic of your choice.

    • Wed. Narrative Writing

200- 300 words

Pretend you can be any animal you want to be for an entire day! (you can choose whatever animal you would like to be) Write a story about what you would do that day.

Include at least 7 adjectives and quotations. (Underline your adjectives.) Quotation example: “Are you enjoying these writing prompts?” asked the teacher.

    • Thurs. Writing time

Write for 20 minutes about a topic of your choice OR continue the piece you started on Tuesday.

    • Fri. Informative Paragraph

5- 7 sentences

Describe in detail different ways you can help out at home (chores,preparing meals, helping little siblings, etc.)

Use each of the homophones to, too, and two in your paragraph. (Underline to, too, and two)

Freckle Assignments ELA 30 minutes a day. Read slowly, deliberately, and more than once before answering the questions. Remember you need to go back and reread to find the answers.

Look under Skills Practice for this week's assignments

    • Mon. Summarizing & Main Ideas, Analyzing Connections, Word Meaning & Choice
    • Tues. Explicit Information, Text Structure & Development, Authors Intent
    • Wed. Claims & Evidence, Explicit information, Summarizing & Main Ideas
    • Thurs. Analyzing Connections, Word Meaning & Choice, Text Structure & Development
    • Fri. Claims & Evidence, Summarizing & Main Ideas, Word Meaning & Choice


    • Daily- 10 minutes of Freckle Skills Practice

Silent Reading 30 minutes a day

Social Studies

COPPER Studies Weekly Week 23 Read the article or listen to the audio. After reading the article, answer the questions and earn the coins. When you are ready there is a test assigned to you for week 23

Mark Twain

    • Read Chapter 6
    • Complete the “Chapter 6 Vocabulary and Questions”


    • Read the text (printed or on and fill in the notes for 3.9 Plant Reproduction and 3.10 Seasonal Changes in Plants
    • Head outside and work on “What Makes and Plant?” week 2
    • Continue working on the “Moon and Sun Tracking”

P.E. Do Monday- Wednesday- Friday

25 Sit-ups

5 Push- ups

50 jumping jacks

20 Squats

1 minute in a plank

20 lunges

Run in place with high knees for 30 seconds

Skip with high knees for 30 seconds.
